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Puppy Intelligence Training

Welcome to my professional puppy training school, where wagging tails, wet puppy kisses, and puppy language keep our lives fulfilled and our hearts overflowing. 

Hello, my name is Rose. Along with loving and cherishing all my puppy pupils I am married to the love of my life, Dennis. We both love dogs, horses, and the outdoors. While I pursue my passion for training puppies, Dennis spends his evening hours at home training his equine friends. Peaceful best describes the slice of heaven we call home located in the rolling hills of rural Ohio. I also have dedicated employees that assist in the training and care process for the puppies enrolled in our puppy training school. Our standard offering is a four-week foundational puppy training course where your puppy will graduate having mastered the basics. Included is crate training. potty training, leash training, and up to five basic commands such as sit, lie down, come, etc. 

I have always loved dogs, but my training career was inspired by my little brother when he was diagnosed with a genetic blood disorder, Fanconi anemia. Watching my little 10-year-old brother go through chemo treatments was heartbreaking. We as a family decided a loyal canine friend was the best option to help him cope. His love for his dog helped him regain his will to live, and to this day he is living a pretty normal lifestyle. That summer made me realize just how powerful the dog/human relationship can be. A power enabled by trust through love and dedicated training. 

So Puppy Intelligence is here to build a foundation for a successful companionship between you and your dog. We want you to be best friends for life and experience all that a relationship with a dog has to offer without the struggles of doing it on your own. We can customize our training to your unique needs and what you want to accomplish.        


About Me
Puppy Intelligence

My Puppy Training Services


Call With Trainer

Puppy Enrolment

Puppy Training

Receive Puppy

1. Discuss training details with Puppy Intelligence. Here you will discuss the schedule and customize your puppy's training.  


2. Enrolment process: Puppy paid for in full with the breeder. Training Assessment completed and signed with Puppy Intelligence. 1st-week training deposit paid to Puppy Intelligence. 


3. Puppy in training: Weekly video and photo updates with puppy training progression. 


4. Receiving your puppy: Recieve a detailed personalized schedule and training summary of your puppy. Final completion video. Completion contract signed and training fee paid in full. Schedule for the pickup or delivery of your puppy.    

Puppy Intelligence Go Home Box

Basic Puppy School Training

Our Basic Puppy Training Includes crate training, and an introduction to potty training. We also do our best to include one to two basic commands. For a more complete training, we recommend a minimum of four weeks of training. We offer the two-week option for those wanting a basic foundational start.

$1200 - 2 weeks

Preferred Puppy School Training

If you are looking to have your puppy crate trained, potty trained, and understand basic obedience commands, then this is for you! It will be a great start to many years of companionship. Our puppies are trained in a home setting in order to replicate where they will live. This type of training provides the very best results and an easy transition to your home.

$2000 - 4 weeks

Advanced Puppy School Training

To provide that next-level training for you and your puppy we offer advanced training. This training includes basic training for a longer period of time. It will allow us to completely solidify your puppy's training along with adding additional needs that may benefit your family. We can customize your puppy's training to your unique needs.

$500 - each additional week

Pickup, Delivery, and Boarding

- We provide the option that when training is complete we will deliver your new puppy to your home. The cost of home delivery varies with travel distance. 


- You may pick up your trained puppy from the trainer's home.


- Boarding is available with the trainer for up to two weeks for $200 a week after training is complete if needed to allow for flexibility in bringing your puppy home. During boarding, training will be maintained but no new commands will be added. 

Our Recent Graduates

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